GREEN BUILDINGS OF INDIA: The Global Design Studio of Shilpa Architects is featured in the recently released green buildings of India coffee table book.

The Global Design Studio of Shilpa Architects Planners Designers was awarded the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum rating for New Construction by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). The award was formally presented at the Green Building Congress at Chennai Trade Center on 24 October 2013. The LEED Platinum certification is an endorsement of SHILPA’s design philosophies, and corporate responsibility goals. The eco-friendly office space includes benefits such as lower operating costs and a reduced carbon footprint.

As one of the first Platinum Rated Design Studios in Asia, Shilpa Architects designed its headquarters as a next generation workplace, bringing to life the organization’s commitment to reducing power consumption, open and collaborative work settings, natural lighting and geothermal air-conditioning.